
el pollo loco??

This might have been a mistake - but we are up for the challenge. Today as we were walking out of the park - we saw a box of baby chicks for sale. Yup, we gave in to the moment and bought 2 chicks to take home (1 kuai each = 14 cents). The girls were ecstatic and intent on their every move. Here is the box that we rescued them from. There must have been 150 little buddies crammed into this tiny cardboard home....

We made a happy home for them, complete with a heat lamp, water dish, corn millet and newspaper nest. We aren't sure how long they will get to stay - but for now the girls are enthralled with their "peeps" and watching them from above.

Asia was talking to them, comforting them - and being very attentive to their needs. I think this will be a great experience for the girls - as they learn about life, responsibility, and selflessness.

This is SILLY chick. Named 'Silly' because he likes to jump in the water dish to get a drink. This was cause for much laughter and hilariousness. Silly has a dark patch of fuzz on his head to distinguish himself from....PECK.
Here is PECK is all his glory. I think he was posing for this picture. Peck is pure yellow fuzz - and a bit more reserved than Silly. Peck got his name because he was "pecking for his food" which seems quite fitting.
We will see how long this lasts. Tonight they were acting up and being a bit rambunctious.
I will keep you posted.