
just boil it??

Yep. That's what she insisted we do....

We invited a Uyghur neighbor over to help prepare the infamous horse meat gift last week. The "only way" to prepare horse meat - is to BOIL it, according to her mother. No spice, no marination, nothing. So I succumbed to the cultural pressure. Yup. I boiled the meat PLAIN. It boiled for about 45 minutes, to become more tender. We all tried it, a bit unimpressed. Very plain and sorta dry & tough.

So - I used some of the meat, and attempted to dazzle her with some garlic-onion-mushroom-horse meat saute - with a splash of red wine. She was unimpressed too, tho WE enjoyed this variation much better! I guess the cultural barrier was not crossed well. Anyhow, here's a picture of the outcome!

TOP LEFT: boiled horse meat
BOTTOM LEFT: garlic-onion-mushroom-horse meat saute, with red wine
RIGHT: Turnip Salad with Vinegar

We loved the red Turnip Salad that she made tho! I need to work on it, so we can share it soon. We hope you are inspired to try new cultural delicacies - at least once!! I doubt we would ever purchase this meat of our own volition, but the adventure was worth it.