Jordana Katherine was born early on May 8th, after much work on behalf of her mommy (daddy helped lots too)!! thanks to many people praying for her arrival, mom & Jordan are healthy and safe! I must say she is so precious too! i know its selfish to think of
myself during this time, but I really wish I could have been there to support, encourage and pray in person. It was so hard for me to be miles away unable to DO anything. a good reminder that prayer is powerful wherever you are. one neat tidbit: because of the time change, we were able to cover the "night watch" while others were asleep. She was even born at 3am-ish in Kentucky, which just happened to be 1pm our time....and we got to see her via Skype video within moments of her birth! that was so special for me. the girls here are so thrilled to have a new cousin, and they talk about her all the time. Asia loves saying her name!! i can't wait for them all to meet. we miss you family!