
new theater in town!

This week - we found out about a new Movie Theater in town, with movies in English! This is a huge novelty for us, since the girls have only been to a theater once before in America. We jumped at the chance to take them to see Cars II in 3D. Unfortunately, Justin was out of town - so I joined some friends who were also going. It turned out to be 4 families (6 adults & 10 kids!). The girls LOVED the movie, and even got used to the big black glasses they had to wear. Just look at these plush seats! I felt like I was transported to another country. I even brought popcorn & candy for snacks....

After the movie was over - we went to catch a taxi, but it was pouring rain. I forgot to bring any sort of jacket for the girls, let alone an umbrella!! Needless to say, we got drenched to the core. AND the girls were wearing very summery clothing - stink!! We wandered around trying to flag down a taxi, looking for a bus that would take us closer to home....but nothing!! I felt so terrible with three wet girls out in the freezing cold rain, without anything to keep us dry. We finally found a little convenient store and I bought the girls their first snickers bar ever, and a dinky purple umbrella to keep us from getting more wet. Thankfully their attitudes weren't too stinky, but I did have to help Eden pee in a corner while holding her over a puddle. Asia was awesome as she shielded her with the umbrella! It was an adventure.

We made it home about 1 hour later! We all got warm & toasty by drinking hot cocoa & wearing jammies. It was a day we will remember forever. Too bad dad missed it. :)

561. Salvation is a gift of grace
562. for my local friend buying me herbal Chinese medicine
563. Jenny Espe is medicine for my soul
564. A new movie theater in U-town
565. mother/daughter bonding in the rain
566. a rainy Saturday
567. hot chocolate and imported marshmallows
568. watching "Family Wipeout" together