
first snow.....and so thankful too.

Its COLD over here!! Our noses tingle when we step outside, and its almost time to get our long-johns out for the winter spell. I do love the change in seasons here, watching the obvious fade of life & green turn into brown & grey, and now covered in white.  Winter is only taunting us now, but it will come in full force very shortly. 

We will enjoy the white snow to the best of our ability, and make snowballs while we can.  Maybe next time we will wear our gloves!
thankful for:
Asia's big cursive bubbly loops
cute squeaking shoes on kids learning to walk
kids playing with yo-yo's on their lunch break
hot peach tea on my sore throat
writing a love note to my babe
knowing that You are in control and You never change
 cancer is not in control
for troubles that cause us to turn to You
for sicknesses that invite us to bring a sacrifice of thanks
for good friends in this city who drop everything to help
iphones gifted to our family!
packages from afar
the quiet of falling snow
snow crystals on barren trees
for Joe Anthony Dostalek - such a generous servant of God
the vulnerability of life 
a friend is pregnant with baby #4!
to see God's power & strength in a wind storm
God's character in a tiny intricate snowflake