
where everybody knows your name...

This trip has been full of incredible reunions - with friends who share common history & loves, memories & similar life phases. These are easy to take for granted - until you live cross-culturally, where building friendships takes incredible effort, language skill & time. All this to say: we are so grateful to BE with friends, where we don't have to work so hard.

We spent 2 days in Loveland, where we got to see 4 groups of ol' friends! The Sailer's let us stay in their amazing home - which is quite a crazy undertaking. We have 3 little girls, and they have 4!! Here's the latest pict (youngest to oldest):
Gia (6mo) Sydney (1) Ruby (2) Eden (3) Bella (4) Asia (5) Emma (6)

This reminded me of Sarah & I back in the day. Even the same blanket!!
And this is Syd & Asia with little Lilyann (3)

The girls adored little Gia - who was always full of smiles. It amazes me how all seven girls got along for the 2 days we visited. Even with all the juggled naps, meals & snacks, shared toys & games - they never got in a tiff!

Brooke, Emma & Asia reading a great book together!
Thanks Loveland friends - for all the encouragement and love we have felt from you! We love you with all our hearts!! Can we come again in a few years??