
can it get any crazier?

In the last 2 weeks:
Our health inspection passed in 2 days!
We began doing taste testings
The shop is complete
We got our Business License!
We hired our first employee
AND we were given official stamps for our business (pictured here)

One crazy story:
This whole process has been quite unnerving, as each step relies upon the previous one so that we can keep moving ahead. One such step requires an official signature from one official, in order to receive our Business License. We went to his office to request his signature, and he told us he was too busy to sign the papers, because he was preparing for a singing competition. We ended up waiting almost 7 days for him to process our papers. He simply told us, "This singing competition is very important to me." While we are huge advocates of ART in every form, we struggled to understand the rationale.