dad camping
Gold Gulf Hotel & Spa!!
McNabb rating: 2 thumbs up!
ice cream social
As we wrapped up the school year, we decided to celebrate with an Ice Cream Social!! (since we can do that so easily!!) We made bubble-gum ice cream, with all the possible toppings we could find. YUM!!
Urumqi Kids Co-op 2010
happy father's day to our superhero daddy!
Love, Asia, Eden & Sydney

seven years old....
This has been a year of growth for her! Her heart is so soft and tender, and she longs to be a good friend, a sweet sister, a loving daughter, making right choices for herself. She understands things beyond her years, and she is always listening, wondering, imagining. She has become more daring this year too - more confident, adventurous, daring. She reads books like you wouldn't believe - in every place or position. When we wake up in the morning, she is faithfully reading on the couch!! She loves to swim, and wear bright flashy colors. She loves soccer and babies and horses too. She sometimes asks if we will have more babies. :) Asia is full of love and light - she is so beautiful inside and out. I am so proud to be her momma.
On her actual birthday, she had her favorite breakfast, opened presents - and talked to her Nana, Poppa and Jamma on Skype. Later, I took Asia, Eden & BF Emma to the underground market (sounds shady, but it's not) to get their nails painted. It was so cute! They each got to choose their favorite design and get pampered. I brought lemonade and cherries to make it even more extravagant. They sat so still and were quite giddy. It only cost 10 kuai per kid! ($1.50)
For her Birthday Party – Asia wanted a Cowgirl Party!! We invited all her friends to the park for games & ice cream, which was wonderful for the 100 degree weather we had!! We stayed cool in the shade, with water balloon games and ice cream cones. We had about 45 friends(!!) there, picnicking and enjoying the party. I had fun planning her party, since I got to sew bandanna's for each of the kids! I was so tired after that extravaganza, but very content!
She was also given a rather large Chinese birthday cake from one of our local friends. The cake was quite colorful - decorated with spray paint??, with heaps of sweet whipping cream frosting, yet tasted SO artificial. We aren't fans of Chinese baked goods. Sadly, we didn't eat any - but we got this nifty picture!!
I really love celebrating each one of our girls, and it gives me such joy knowing that they are lavished with love and affection - knowing that they are such treasures, and gifts to us. Every child is a gift from above!! We love you sweet Asia, and we are so blessed by the beautiful little lady you are!!
ways to stay cool in the summer heat
2. Cram lots of friends into the blow-up pool. Eight, to be exact.
3. Go with mom to the veggie stand and ask her to buy you a yogurt Popsicle.
4. Swing really fast on the swings.
5. Spray each other with spray-bottles outside.
(no picture for this one - but this included buckets of water, 8 spray bottles, and lots of wet kids)
6. Have a water balloon toss with friends. (thanks for the pkg mom!)
7. Eat Ice Mountain Creamery ice cream!!
Hope you are finding ways to stay cool in your own summer heat!
Hugs from our clan XOXOXOXOXO
ride the bus with us!
another Chinese wedding!!
When you arrive at a Chinese wedding, you greet the couple in the lobby, then proceed upstairs to the banquet area. Everyone signs into a book - and the guest book guy signs your names and takes your gift. Your gift consists of $, and the amount is written next to your name!! - its all recorded for everyone to see. Some people bring red envelopes, but they are opened and recorded in the book. We just try to follow other peoples' example, and be generous too! ...since there are no wedding registries in China.
The banquet was quite loud, but the girls loved the huge bubble blower at the front of the room - blowing bubbles into the crowd. The bride & groom got showered with glitter, shaving cream & confetti during the ceremony. They were smiling thru it all, even though her dress & hair was a mess. Then she promptly changed into a red dress, to greet their guests and offer a toast to each person! Such a neat tradition!
The banquet was amazing - each table was lavished with heaps of food which we don't know the proper names of. We tried spicy beef, glass noodles, bean curd pizza?, broiled fish, Peking duck wraps with plum sauce! ....and so much more! Events like these are so FUN because you never know what to expect - we learn/try something new every time!
(p.s. It is taking me so long to catch up on this blog, because I haven't been able to load pictures for over 2 weeks. I am not sure why! ....so you will just have to picture it in your mind!)
exciting changes
feeling crafty: Father's day gifts!
Things you will need:
- any size frame
- hot glue gun
- extra hot glue sticks?
- rocks
The younger kids (age 4-5) made a different style of frame using:
- any size frame
- Elmer's glue
- coarse sand
- shells and/or coral
- small rocks
hiking up to the snowmelt
We ended up taking a longer hike up the river valley, past a small village of Kazakh yurts, and young men on horses. The kids were bounding ahead further uphill than I thought they would go! We were amazed to find some leftover winter snow at the base of the mountain - it was still cold enough to remain. The snow was so packed that it was icy blue. Asia & daddy climbed some bigger rocks for this picture: