A Canadian Newspaper Article.
Today's Toronto Star wrote an article rating the worlds 10 WORST places to live. The competition was fierce, but our beloved city made the list! Not sure if we should be proud or fearful. Here's the article in full. I guess it could be worse!!

a few traditions...
For example: We fill our kids' stockings to the brim. AND there is always a yummy piece of fruit in the toe.

We bake a dessert & sing "Happy Birthday!"
We buy a tree that's the same height as Asia.
We read the Christmas story aloud.
Baking Norwegian Kringla with my mom.
We give a gift as a family, choosing a simpler Christmas for others' sake.
Newest one: Making a family home video!
I wonder what new traditions will arise as the girls come up with new ideas??
a great gift!!

We window shopped in the Haight/Ashbury district, ate Gyros, Hummous & Dolmas for lunch, and drank Mango Black tea in China town. It was our perfect gift! Thanks for all the encouragement along the way!
Christmas Lights Train

early Christmas with Poppy!
Here was their favorite display:
Christmas caroling debut for Asia!
We never planned on being in America this long... Our plan was to leave October 25th! Two months have passed, and we continue to find ourselves adjusting the Plan. We are seizing each day and enjoying each moment that we have in this beautiful place, and with our dear pals.
Now that Christmas is quickly approaching, I wanted to continue our tradition of opening stockings on Christmas Eve....but our stockings are back in China!! So with a little inspiration from Laura & Jill, leftover felt & scraps from mom - this is what will hold our Christmas goodies while in America. Each owl is different in size & eye color, depending on each kiddo. I can't wait to fill them up!
These were so fun to make, and were actually quite simple & relaxing. Best of all, the girls love them!
Now that Christmas is quickly approaching, I wanted to continue our tradition of opening stockings on Christmas Eve....but our stockings are back in China!! So with a little inspiration from Laura & Jill, leftover felt & scraps from mom - this is what will hold our Christmas goodies while in America. Each owl is different in size & eye color, depending on each kiddo. I can't wait to fill them up!

working with his hands....

Monterey Bay Aquarium
Here, the girls are watching the otters be fed, and share their skills!

a professional haircut!!
Asia got her hairs cut today! She had never really gone to a salon before, so this was a big deal for her! We decided to go short - since she is not fond of brushing nor putting it back. I think this new style will help!! Isn't she a beauty??
sitting in the big salon chair...a bit nervous
feeling like a big girl!

animal love
our happy little tree....
Not pictured: Sydney running around pulling ornaments off tree, and stashing them in unknown locations.
Their new favorite activity is rearranging the nativity set and hearing the story too.

parade DAY.
Parade #1 began @ 10am with a loud marching band along Pacific Avenue, and the girls staring in wonder. You'd think they never saw this sort of thing before. Oh wait, they haven't.
The Downtown Holiday Parade was the place to be!! There were amazing tumblers, acrobats & dancers....of all ages. Colorful floats & Clydesdale horses, classic cars & too many Santa's to count. I was amazed by the kid-unicyclers & children on stilts. That was circus-talent-in-the-making.

gotta love free fun!!
Parade #2 began at the Santa Cruz Harbor with crowds gathering to watch the annual Boat Light Parade on water! As the sunset behind us, we ate our dinner/snacks and huddled close to keep warm as the boats paraded thru the Harbor in all their razzle-dazzle glory. Again, too many Santa's to count. We did manage to get an amazing family photo.

gotta love beautiful (winter!) days in Santa Cruz!
build-a-bear mania

Later...we had cupcakes again. Happy Birthday sweet Sydney! You are such a beautiful & insightful little girl. We love your spunk, your joy, your outgoing personality and all the crazy comments & expressions we see every day. You have graced our lives!! We love you Squid!
how to get kids to pose for a picture
mom & me out on the town
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